Friday, June 6, 2014

Don't cry over spilt water

I know you're not suppose to cry over spilt milk, but what are the rules for water?

On day three of my internship, I thought I had it all down. After meandering around Broadway trying to resist every urge to run into the two story Forever 21 and Steve Madden right across the street, I still had time to spare before work.

The day was off to a good start and was made better when I was told there was Dunkin' Donuts waiting to be eaten in the office. If you know me at all you know the words free and food are music to my ears.

Then my day took a fall, literally, when I accidentally knocked over the glass of water sitting on my desk all over my work laptop. In retrospect, I probably should have saw this coming, but I forget that these types of things would only happen to me. Seriously, why me?

Luckily, this didn't happen to just me. Apparently the intern before me broke the last laptop the same way. At least I'm not alone. Thank god. We're interns for a reason.

It took every urge not to burst into tears from embarrassment and the fear of being "that" intern after only three days. My eyes were glossed over with tears about to fall any second, but I thought to myself I'm 21 years old, get it together already Carly.

Some moral support via my parents and brother in a group text and the tech department bringing me a new laptop was all it took for this disaster to end. They weren't sure if it was broken yet, so all I could do was get over it. I took my dad's advice and made it up with great work.

They may not trust me with liquids, but I proved to them they can trust me with my writing. I was given my first copywriting opportunity to write a witty Facebook post for the latest Cinderella the Musical campaign. Minutes later I received an email from my supervisor saying they are "lucky to have me" and "I have all the skills to be an amazing copywriter." At least I did something right.

After that I was given more opportunities to write content for Facebook posts and tweets for multiple clients. She even sent another email to the entire content team and president of the company giving me a shout out. #redemption.

So my point is, even though I made a clumsy mistake, it was all the more reason to prove to them and myself that I was meant to be there.

For my spiel of the day, here's a little advice. Do not, I repeat DO NOT keep any form of liquid around a laptop. If you decide not to take my advice and encounter a similar circumstance, don't let it get to you. The only thing worse than breaking a computer is crying about it. So to answer my own question, no, it's not acceptable to cry over spilt water either.

Also, in case you were wondering, I still don't know if the laptop actually broke. Some things are just better left unknown.